EJ Nutter Training Center Sports Medicine Research Institute


EJ Nutter Training Center, 0277 Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP)
Approval Date
January 14, 2025

Emergency Responder Information Sheet

Building Occupancy Classification
Occupancy TypeDaily Operations Location
Dining ServicesUnavailableUnavailable

Utility Shutoff Location
UtilityLocation(s) of Shutoff

Hazardous Materials
Are hazardous materials onsite? Unavailable
Location of SDS:Location(s) of hazardous material(s):

  SECTION 1: Overview  


Each department at the University of Kentucky must have a Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP) to provide for students, faculty, staff, and visitors during an emergency. Each BEAP is developed by the individual department or group of departments occupying the building. The BEAP for EJ Nutter Training Center was developed using a model plan prepared by the UKPD Division of Crisis Management and Preparedness (CMP). This plan has been reviewed and approved by CMP and implemented on January 14, 2025.

Each BEAP is developed to provide for the safety of the University community and to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation 29 CFR 1910.38 (as required under 803 KAR 2:304). The BEAP must be available to OSHA or Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health (KOSH) Program inspectors upon request.

Emergency Plan Coordination

This BEAP is a key component to EJ Nutter Training Center’s safety and planning. However, it is not intended to replace other emergency plans, business continuity plans, or official response operations.


The EJ Nutter Training Center BEAP is kept on file in upper right cupboard next to sink in open lab conference area. In addition, an electronic copy shall be kept on file with CMP.

All employees assigned to a role in the BEAP must be provided with a copy of the plan and instructed as to his or her responsibilities and actions during an emergency. A record must be maintained including the names of persons trained. This record must be kept in upper right cupboard next to sink in open lab conference area and must be provided to OSHA or KOSH inspectors upon request.

Plan Review

On an annual basis, the Building Emergency Coordinator will review the standing Building Emergency Action Plan, during the month of November and ensure that information is current and correct.

BEAP Coordinating Authority
CMP is the coordinating body for BEAP development and review. CMP provides subject matter expertise in developing BEAPs across the University. You can reach CMP at 257-9665 or cmp@uky.edu.


The development and use of a BEAP is an integral part of the University’s strategy for responding to and recovering from emergencies. To ensure relevance and utility, this BEAP must be kept current with changes in facilities, personnel, and equipment. At minimum, this BEAP shall be updated:

 SECTION 2: Expectations and Emergency Responsibilities 


All employees, faculty, and staff are expected to be familiar with the BEAP procedures and participate in training. They shall inform students, visitors, contractors, and new employees of EJ Nutter Training Center’s procedures during emergency situations. If an employee is interested in having a specific role within the BEAP, they should contact the Building Emergency Coordinator.

Role Designation

The Department Head shall designate a Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC) and an Assistant Building Emergency Coordinator (ABEC).

Personnel on each floor shall designate a Floor Leader (FL) and an Assistant Floor Leader (AFL).

The Department Head, BEC, ABEC, and all FLs and AFLs shall read and understand this plan and be able to answer employee/student questions about emergency procedures in their building.
BEAP RoleNameWork PhoneMobile PhoneEmail
Building Approving AuthorityNick Heebner859-323-9845UnavailableNick.Heebner@uky.edu
Building Emergency CoordinatorKelly Calia859-323-9850UnavailableKelly.Calia@uky.edu
Department Head ( Athletic Training and Clinical Nutrition ) Philip Gribble859-218-0885UnavailablePhillip.Gribble@uky.Edu
Floor LeaderUnavailable
PPD Building OperatorUnavailable

Medically Trained Personnel/C-CERT Members

NameOffice/Workspace LocationWork Phone
Nick HeebnerHeebner8593239850

Chain of Command


All Employees
In any emergency, you are responsible for your own safety. Please ensure your safety before helping others.

This plan is intended to guide building occupants during emergencies and other preparation and preparedness efforts are recommended. Reviewing this plan prior to the emergency is the best practice to ensure a timely and coordinated response for an emergency.

Refer any questions to your BEC, as they are EJ Nutter Training Center’s expert for emergency procedures. If you are assigned a specific role in response to an emergency and feel as you cannot uphold your duties, please inform the BEC.

Department Head
The Department Head and their appointed BEC will ensure that the department uses the model BEAP promulgated by CMP and develops a department specific BEAP.

The Department Head is responsible for ensuring the BEAP is reviewed by all employees within the chain of command. The Department Head should also supervise yearly reviews of the BEAP to ensure the preselected development deadline of November is met.

Building Approving Authority
The Building Approval Authority is responsible for ensuring the BEAP is submitted for CMP approval during the month of November. The BAA should ensure that all information within the BEAP is accurate and complete.

Building Emergency Coordinator
The BEC is responsible for plan maintenance, employee education, and annual plan testing. Testing will entail conducting an emergency exercise for one chosen section of the plan. Further, the BEC is responsible for changing the backup batteries of the building's NOAA weather radio on a semiannual basis (CMP recommends scheduling this action for Daylight Savings Time changes). During an emergency, the BEC will implement the BEAP and coordinate emergency actions to ensure the safety of all building occupants.
The BEC’s emergency duties, as personal safety, and time permit, include: If an individual with assigned responsibilities cannot uphold their duties, please reassign the position.

Assistant Building Emergency Coordinator
The ABEC will assist the BEC and be responsible for the BEC's duties in his or her absence. The ABEC should be as qualified and prepared to act as the BEC.

Floor Leader
The FL is responsible for coordinating BEAP actions for that respective floor.
The FL's emergency duties, as personal safety, and time permit, include:
Assistant Floor Leader
Each AFL will assist the corresponding FL and be responsible for the FL's duties in his or her absence. The AFL should be as qualified and prepared as the FL.

Facilities Area Manager
Provide support for services that include maintenance and operation of facilities and grounds, utilities, minor renovations, and other related services.

Medically Trained Personnel/C-CERT Members
UK C-CERT members have received hands-on training in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety and suppression, light search and rescue, disaster medical operations, team organization, disaster psychology and terrorism.

Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, C-CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.

Transfer of Command

When transfer of command is necessary the Incident Command System (ICS) requires a brief of the incident. Transfer of command can occur if a more qualified person arrives.
The brief should:

  SECTION 3: Procedures  

Building Evacuation Procedure

The facility may need to be evacuated due to a natural, man-made, or technological hazard. If the emergency is not obviously visible, the Kelly Calia has the authority to evacuate the facility. Building occupants are required to evacuate upon the activation of the fire alarm; if instructed by emergency personnel, or if instructed by anyone within the listed chain of command.

Immediate Action
Building Notification Initiate notification:Building occupants will be notified to evacuate the facility by activation of the fire alarm, Word of mouth; phones; public address announcement.
  • BEC: Sends official notification.
  • All Employees: If you initiate the notification for the facility, once you are at the assembly location contact UKPD. Please provide: The building address and building number, a description of the emergency, and any associated hazards.
Evacuate Building Follow posted evacuation routes in the building: If posted evacuation routes are blocked, use your best judgment to evacuate the facility. Evacuation routes are located in Appendix A.
All building occupants are required to evacuate during the activation of the fire alarm.
  • All employees: If you are the last occupant in a room, please close the door.
  • All Occupants: DO NOT USE ELEVATORS
Assisting Others During Evacuation Assist or direct others with evacuation: If you encounter other building occupants, (students, staff, or visitors) direct them to evacuate. Remember, your personal safety comes first.
  • BEC: Guide occupants to assembly location.
  • FL: Guide occupants to proper evacuation routes, without putting yourself in danger.
Persons with Disability(s) If you encounter disabled individual(s) during evacuation, assist that person out of the facility, or to the nearest stairwell, and seek assistance from an emergency responder outside of the building.
  • FL: Have the knowledge of the emergency assistance cardholders.
  • All occupants: If someone gives you their Emergency Assistance Card, provide it to emergency responders.
Laboratory Experiment Or Other Processes with Internal Guidelines If you are conducting a laboratory experiment or other process, take appropriate steps to stop the experiment or process to prevent additional accidents while unattended. If you are unable to render the situation safe, evacuate and notify the BEC of the potential hazard. Remember, human safety is the top priority.
Refusal to Evacuate Employees refusing to evacuate or prohibiting others from evacuating will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Human Resources Policy and Procedure Number 12.0. Students refusing to evacuate or prohibiting others from evacuating will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct. https://ehs.uky.edu//fire/evacuation.html
  • BEC or FL: Advise to evacuate. If they are blocking the evacuation route attempt to evacuate another way.
Assembly Location Report to the primary assembly location: If the primary assembly location is compromised, report to the secondary assembly location. Assembly locations are located in Appendix B.
  • All Employees: Meet with FL for accountability.
  • BEC & FL: Communicate areas of concern.
  • All Employees: Do not leave the assembly location until directed by the BEC, UK Fire Marshal, Lexington Fire Department, or any other emergency response agencies on the scene.
AccountabilityThe BEC and FLs shall conduct roll calls to ensure all employees have evacuated the building. If an employee is missing, the BEC will determine whether it is safe to search for the missing employee(s) and solicit a volunteer to locate them and direct them to the assembly location.
Building Re-Entry Do not re-enter the affected building or area until you hear a re-entry order from emergency responders, the Department Head, or BEC. Hazards may be present even if alarms are no longer actively sounding. Prematurely re-entering a dangerous area risks not only your own safety, but that of emergency responders who may have to rescue you.
  • BEC: Consult with associated experts before giving the go ahead to re-enter the building.
  • FL: Assist the BEC with an organized reentry (crowd moderation)
  • All employees: Re-enter the building when the “all clear” is given.

Fire Procedure

Implement this procedure upon the activation of the fire alarm or following the discovery of a fire.
Immediate Action
Detection and Warning Fire Alarm Activation: Any person who becomes aware of a fire shall immediately activate the building fire alarm system. The fire alarm system will in turn notify all building occupants that a fire emergency exists through an audible alarm and a flashing light.
Building Notification Initiate notification: Building occupants will be notified to evacuate the facility by activation of the fire alarm, Word of mouth; phones; public address announcement.
  • BEC: Sends official notification
All Employees: If you initiate the notification for the facility, once you are at the assembly location contact UKPD. Please provide: The building address and building number, a description of the emergency, and any associated hazards
Evacuate Building Evacuate Immediately: Follow Evacuation Procedures in Section 3. The University of Kentucky Fire Evacuation Policy (http://ehs.uky.edu/fire/evacuation.html) mandates that the building shall immediately be evacuated (except in hospital patient areas where alternate procedures are authorized). All persons will regard any activation of a fire alarm as a true fire emergency unless there has been previous notification of a fire alarm system test.
  • BEC and FL: Follow Building evacuation Section 3.
Fire Suppression Attempt to extinguish the fire only if you have been trained to operate a fire extinguisher, you are comfortable making the attempt, and the fire is very small (i.e., in its initial stages).
If the fire is not contained, is spreading rapidly, is partially hidden behind a wall or ceiling, cannot be reached from a standing position, or if it becomes difficult to breathe in the room, do not attempt to extinguish the fire. Cease all attempts to extinguish the fire and evacuate the building.
Regardless of the fire's size or the success of your attempt to extinguish it, always call 911.
Assembly Location Report to the primary assembly location: If the primary assembly location is compromised, report to the secondary assembly location. Assembly locations are located in Appendix B.
Accountability The BEC and FLs shall conduct roll calls to ensure all employees have evacuated the building. If an employee is missing, the BEC will determine whether it is safe to search for the missing employee(s) and solicit a volunteer to locate them and direct them to the assembly location.
Response Coordination Provide information: The BEC will provide information to UKPD, the UK Fire Marshal, Lexington Fire Department, or any other emergency response agencies on the scene. This information may include, but is not limited to:
  • The location of the fire;
  • Names and locations of disabled individuals who require assistance;
  • Evacuation status: Missing person(s);
  • Building Specific Hazards.
Building Re-EntryWait for Approval: Building re-entry must be approved by the UK Fire Marshal.
EquipmentFor locations of fire alarm pulls and fire extinguishers, refer to Appendix A.

Severe Thunderstorm/ Tornado Procedure

Implement this section of the BEAP when the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning.
Immediate Action
Detection and Warning NOAA Weather Radio is located in N/A. This radio is dual powered, working on both the building's electrical system and backup batteries. The National Weather Service will activate this radio remotely to announce any watches or warnings.
  • N/A will monitor this radio for any emergency announcements and notify the BEC of any warnings.
  • All employees: If you become aware of a severe weather warning immediately notify the BEC.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning Minimize your exposure to exterior windows and doors. Avoid touching metallic structural elements. Avoid showering and remain indoors. Additionally, severe thunderstorms can generate tornados, so be prepared to act quickly if conditions deteriorate.
Tornado Watch A watch indicates that there is a high likelihood of dangerous weather developing, but there is no immediate danger.
  • BEC: Do not implement this section of the BEAP for a watch. However, begin thinking about protective actions, report to storm shelter locations, and listen to the NOAA Weather Radio. You may need to take swift action if conditions escalate.
  • BEC & FL: Be prepared to act quickly if a warning is issued.
Building NotificationUpon receiving notification of a severe weather warning, or tornado watch, the BEC will immediately notify employees by Word of mouth; phones; public address announcement of the warning type and actions to take.
Tornado Warning (DANGER) A tornado has been sighted or indicated on radar: When a tornado warning is issued, immediately take cover in the nearest Severe Weather Shelter area in the building; There is imminent danger for life and property. Severe Weather Shelter areas are marked with signs. They are indicated in Appendix A of this plan for reference.
  • All Employees: If you are the last one in the room close the door.
  • All Employees: If you encounter a student or visitor, direct them to take cover.
  • All Employees: If you encounter a physically disabled individual, assist that person in taking cover without putting yourself in danger.
  • Avoid using the elevator.
  • FL: If you are aware of a physically disabled individual who will need assistance with taking cover, assist them without putting yourself in danger.
If a Severe Weather Shelter is not available or is full, take shelter in an interior room on a lower level of the building, as far from the building's outside wall as possible, without windows or doors to the outside.
InjuryFollow Medical Emergency Procedure in section 3.

Severe Winter Weather Procedure

If severe winter weather (ice, snow, or extreme cold) is expected, the President and the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration will determine whether classes must be delayed or canceled, or when offices must be closed. Refer to HR Policy 71: University Emergencies (https://www.uky.edu/hr/policies/university-emergencies).
Immediate Action
Detection and Warning NOAA Weather Radio is located in N/A. This radio is dual powered, working on both the building's electrical system and backup batteries. The National Weather Service will activate this radio remotely to announce any watches or warnings.
  • N/A will monitor this radio for any emergency announcements and notify the BEC of any warnings.
  • All employees: If you become aware of a severe weather warning, immediately notify the BEC.
Unsafe external walkwaysIf you are unable to leave the building safely due to unanticipated severe winter weather, contact the PPD Delta Room or your Area Facilities Manager.
Water Pipe Leak/BreakFollow the Utility Outage/Failure Procedure in section 3.
Utility Outage/FailureFollow the Utility Outage/Failure Procedure in section 3.

Medical Emergency Procedure

Implement this section of the BEAP for illness or injury that requires more than simple first aid.
Immediate Action

Dial 911
If a medical emergency exists, call UKPD at 911 or 257-8573 and report the emergency. Provide the following information:
  • Location of the victim;
  • Condition of the victim;
  • Name of the victim;
  • Type of emergency; and
  • Any dangerous conditions at the scene.
Attempting Medical Assistance or First Aid DO NOT ACT OUTSIDE OF SCOPE OF MEDICAL TRAINING
  1. Designate someone to stand outside of the building to direct EMS.
  2. Designate someone to stay with the victim. Make them feel comfortable until EMS arrives.
Provide EMS with information.
Attempt first aid first: If you are first aid certified, attempt first aid, and wear gloves while assessing the victim.
Determine if a Medical Emergency Exists
Emergency Symptoms
Use your own experience and judgement and the following list of symptoms to determine if a medical emergency exists:
  • Uncontrollable bleeding;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Persistent or sudden chest pain;
  • Severe altered level of consciousness; or
  • Injuries involving trauma (e.g., falls, head injuries, burns).
Blood and Bodily Fluids For cleanup of blood or bodily fluids, cordon off the area and contact the building Custodial Services staff. See the Custodial Services web site Custodial Areas | Facilities Management (uky.edu) for building-specific contact information. If the Custodial Services staff determines that the release exceeds their capabilities, or if the release is the result of a death, serious injury, or crime, contact Environmental Management at 323-6280 during business hours or UKPD after business hours.
Equipment Location: First Aid Kit:
  • Above sink next to horse simulator in lab.

Bodily fluid clean up kit(s):

Hazardous Materials Release Procedure

Immediate Action
External Hazardous Materials Release
Detection and Warning
Notification of such an emergency may come through any of the following methods:
  • UK Alerts and other University alerting systems;
  • National Weather Service weather radio broadcast;
  • Local television and radio broadcast; or
  • Community siren activation.
Internal Hazardous Materials Release
Building Notification
All Employees: Any person that becomes aware of a hazmat release inside or outside the building will immediately notify the BEC.

The BEC will assess the threat and, if the building is affected, immediately notify employees by Word of mouth; phones; public address announcement. This notification will advise building occupants of the emergency and the actions to take (shelter in place or building evacuation). Depending on the nature of the release, local public safety officials will issue one of two protective orders: shelter in place or evacuation.
  • BEC: Contact UKPD
    • Describe the hazardous material
    • Provide the location of the hazardous material
Evacuate Building
Shelter in Place
Depending on the nature of the release, local public safety officials will issue one of two protective orders: shelter in place or evacuation
  • BEC: Contact a expert within the field to determine whether to evacuate or shelter in place.
Shelter in place: The intent of sheltering in place is to minimize contact with outside air.
  • BEC & FLs:
    • Close all exterior windows and doors.
    • Turn off all HVAC systems (which may require the BEC to contact the PPD Delta Room).
    • Move to an upper level of the building.
    • If you encounter a student or visitor, direct them to shelter in place.
    • If you encounter a physically disabled individual, assist that person in sheltering in place.
    • Remain in shelter until advised by the BEC that it is safe to exit.
Evacuation: Follow the Building Evacuation Procedure in section 3.
Laboratory Experiment
Other Processes with
Internal Guidelines
If you are conducting a laboratory experiment or other process, take appropriate steps to stop the experiment or process to prevent additional accidents while it is unattended. If you are unable to render the situation safe, contact the BEC. Remember, human safety is the top priority, but attempt to follow department procedures for evacuation.
Illness/ Injury Do not send personnel outside to guide EMS to the victim.
If you have been exposed to the hazmat, and the hazmat can be harmful to others, evacuate the hazmat area until responders arrive without putting others at risk.
Building Re-Entry Do not re-enter the affected building or area until you hear a re-entry order from emergency responders, the Department Head, BEC, or FL. Hazards may be present even if alarms are no longer actively sounding. Prematurely re-entering a dangerous area risks will not only your own safety but that of emergency responders who may have to rescue you.
  • BEC: Consult with associated experts before giving the go ahead to re-enter the building.
FL: Assist the BEC with an organized re-entry (crowd moderation).

Utility Outage/Failure Procedure

Immediate Action
  • BEC: Contact the Facilities Area Manager.
Determination of Operations
  • BEC & Department head: Determine whether to continue work in the building during a utility outage. Determine if employees need to be relocated to an alternate location to continue operations.
Power Outage All Employees:
  • Disconnect appliances or other equipment to avoid equipment damages.
  • Leave a light source on to know when the power returns.
  • Use communication devices only if an emergency occurs to preserve the battery. Only call 911 during an emergency and not for information.
Cold weather:
  • Put on layers of warm clothing.
  • BEC: If the power is not working for a prolonged period, coordinate with another building or location for temporary relocation to stay warm.
Hot Weather:
  • Wear lighter layers of clothing.
  • Move to a lower level of the building for cooler air.
  • BEC: Provide fresh cool water for building occupants.
Water Pipe Leak/Break To prevent waterpipes from leaking or breaking in cold weather, run faucets at a warm steady drip and open surrounding cabinets.
If there is a waterpipe leak, BEC contact the Area Facilities Manager.
Elevator EntrapmentIf an individual is trapped on an elevator, immediately contact the Area Facilities Manager Delta Room at 257-2830 or UKPD at 257-8573 for assistance.
Laboratory Experiment
Other Processes with Internal Guidelines
If a laboratory procedure or other process is underway during a utility interruption and the interruption will affect the process, cease the procedure until the utility has been restored. Stop all experiments, chemical processes, and operating electric equipment in a manner that will not cause cascading events.
Secondary Power SourceBEC: If a secondary power source (generator) is available at your facility, for critical processes, coordinate with the Facilities Area Manager.
InjuryFollow Medical Emergency Procedure in section 3.

Acts of Violence Procedure

Immediate Action
Detection and Warning You will become aware of a violent act by the sounds of an explosion, gunfire, scuffling, or by observation of events that could only be intentional acts of violence. If you observe such acts, immediately seek cover, and report the incident to UKPD, then to the BEC.
If there is an external act of violence that may affect the facility, UKPD will send a warning through UK Alert.
NotificationThe BEC will immediately notify all building occupants by Word of mouth; phones; public address announcement.
Active Aggressor/Gunfire The type of violence or threat will determine your protective actions. If you encounter a student or visitor, direct them to take appropriate actions.
If you encounter a physically disabled individual, assist that person in taking appropriate actions.
Run: If possible, leave the area and move as far from the aggressor as possible. Contact UKPD only once you are in a safe place.
Hide: If you are unable to leave the building, take cover in a hiding place or secure yourself within a lockable room. If possible, choose a location that has limited visibility to someone looking in. Once hidden, do not open the door for anyone even another apparent victim, it could be the attacker. Contact UKPD only once you feel that you can do so without revealing your location to the attacker. Remain in place until a police officer or other University officials arrive. Keep in mind that it may take hours for the police to make contact with you.
Defend: Be prepared to defend yourself from the attacker using whatever means are necessary and whatever tools are immediately available.
Suspicious Package
  • If the subject is in the building, politely ask him or her to take their belongings and leave the area.
  • If the subject refuses to leave, or leaves a package behind, contact UKPD.
    Provide the dispatcher with the following information:
  • Location and direction of travel of the subject;
  • Description of the subject's behavior;
  • Detailed description of the subject, including:
    • Gender;
    • Race;
    • Height and build;
    • Hair color and type;
    • Clothing;
    • Obvious identifying marks (tattoos, jewelry, etc.); and
    • Obvious possessions (bags, cases, tools, protest signs, etc.).
  • If it is safe to do so, remain in the area until a UKPD officer arrives. If the area is unsafe evacuate the area.
  • Maintain visual contact with the subject as personal safety allows.
  • Direct the responding UKPD officer to the subject.
Hostage Situation
  • Immediately leave the area and take no action that could endanger the hostages.
  • Contact UKPD only once you are in a safe place.
ExplosionEvacuate the building as you would for a fire, following Building Evacuation Procedure, Fire Procedure, and Medical Emergency Procedure.
InjuryFollow Medical Emergency Procedure in section 3.
When Responders Arrive
  • All Employees: Do not pose a threat, show empty hands, and get down on the ground.
  • BEC: Share information regarding the situation.
Assembly Location Upon evacuation, report to the primary assembly location: If the primary assembly location is compromised, report to the secondary assembly location. Assembly locations are located in Appendix B.
Do not report to assembly locations if compromised, evacuate the area for your safety.
Response CoordinationUntil the threat is gone, UKPD will take charge of all response activities.

Written or Verbal Threats Procedure

Immediate Action
Detection and Warning You will become aware of suspicious or disruptive behavior through your own observations, intuition, and your personal familiarity with normal activities on campus and in the building.
If a threat is reported to UKPD, they will initiate the appropriate warning.
It is important to note that the University is generally open to the public, and suspicious behavior may not always be prohibited behavior.
Notification Suspicious, odd, concerning, out-of-place, or disruptive behavior should be reported to UKPD. UKPD can evaluate the situation and determine further actions.
If the threat involves specific individuals, contact them to increase their situational awareness.
Direct Threat
(Face to Face)
If someone's actions pose a physical threat to you, or if they indicate an imminent threat through their words or gestures, immediately leave the area and report the situation.
  • All Employees: Contact UKPD and your supervisor, and do not attempt to engage the threat.
Other Threat
Phone, email, text, note
If you become aware of or receive a threat, the best practice is to report it to the correct authorities for further investigation.
  • All Employees: Contact UKPD and your supervisor.
  • Do not attempt to engage the threat.
Bomb ThreatFollow the Evacuation Procedure in Section 3.
Threat Documentation/ Checklist Complete the threat documentation/checklist in Appendix H.

Provide a copy to responders, UKPD, and maintain one for your records.

Non-Violent Behavioral or Civil Disturbance Procedure

Immediate Action
Detection and WarningYou will become aware of suspicious or disruptive behavior through your own observations and intuition and your personal familiarity with normal activities on campus and in the building.
Notification Contact UKPD and provide the dispatcher with the following information:
  • Location and direction of travel of the subject;
  • Description of the subject's behavior;
  • Detailed description of the subject, including:
    • Gender;
    • Race;
    • Height and build;
    • Hair color and type;
    • Clothing;
    • Obvious identifying marks (tattoos, jewelry, etc.); and
    • Obvious possessions (bags, cases, tools, protest signs, etc.).
Removal of Subject from Building If the subject is in the building, politely ask him or her to leave the area.
If the subject refuses to leave, notify UKPD, providing the information listed above.
If it is safe to do so, remain in the area until a UKPD officer arrives and direct the officer to the subject.

 SECTION 4: After Emergency Reporting 

After each instance in which a portion of this BEAP is implemented, the indicated parties shall take the following actions.

Re-Entry and Return to Work Determinations

Once the emergency is over, the BEC and Department Head will consult with emergency responders on further recovery measures. Depending on the incident's nature, these may include UKPD, PPD, the UK Fire Marshal, UK Environmental Health and Safety, or other University, local, state, or federal authorities. As part of this process, the BEC and Department Head will determine if personnel should return to work or be released for the day. If personnel will be released, the BEC and Department Head will further determine when employees should return to work. The BEC will communicate these decisions to all affected personnel by Word of mouth; phones; public address announcement.

If direct communication is impractical due to the emergency's scale or because personnel are widely-dispersed (e.g., after a wide-area evacuation), the BEC and Department Head shall contact CMP to determine the best manner to communicate with employees regarding ongoing recovery work and return-to-work criteria.

Damage Reporting

The Department Head shall contact the University's Risk Management office at 257-3372 to report any property damage or loss caused by the incident.

The BEC shall contact the PPD Delta Room at 257-2830 to report any repairs needed as a result of the incident.

Injury Reporting

All reporting of injuries to University of Kentucky employees, students, or guests shall follow the standard procedures established by Risk Management and Occupational Health and Safety (http://ehs.uky.edu/ohs/accident.php).

Reporting and Analysis

After each instance in which a portion of this BEAP is implemented, the BEC or the Department Head shall participate in any after-action report process, root cause analysis process, or post-incident critique process arising from the incident.

If no other University department initiates an after-action report process, root cause analysis process, or post-incident critique process after an implementation of this BEAP, the Department Head will direct that a report be prepared. This report shall review emergency actions taken, their effectiveness, and any needed revisions to this plan. The Department Head or BEC shall share the report with all employees. The BEC shall forward a copy of the report to CMP for review.

If needed, CMP and the BEC shall update the BEAP and the BEC shall make the updated plan available to all building occupants.


Appendix A: Evacuation Routes and Critical Locations

Appendix B: Assembly Locations

Primary Assembly Location: Corner of Complex Drive and Sports Center Drive, next to the Sports Center Garage (PS 7) Secondary Assembly Location: Main entrance of new indoor track

Appendix C: Hazardous Materials, SDS, and Unique Processes

Hazardous Materials (HazMat)

Material Safety Data Sheets for all hazardous materials in the building are kept Unavailable.

Unique Critical Processes


 Appendix D: Animal Emergency Plans 

This building houses research animals. Animal emergency plans are recorded in a separate document, available from the listed administrative point of contact:

Name: N/A
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A

Animal emergency plans are also on file with CMP and the Office of the Attending Veterinarian. These plans include emergency contact information for individuals who will lead animal-specific emergency responses for this facility.

 Appendix E: Personal Disaster Preparedness 

This BEAP is a building-specific plan that focuses on emergencies in the workplace. Workplace preparedness is only one aspect of personal preparedness for disasters and emergencies of all sorts. A comprehensive personal preparedness guide is outside this BEAP's scope, but you can learn more from the following sources:
UKPD Division of Crisis Management & Preparednesshttps://police.uky.edu/crisis-management-and-preparedness
Lexington Division of Emergency Managementhttp://bereadylexington.com/
Federal Emergency Management Agencyhttps://www.ready.gov/
American Red Crosshttp://www.redcross.org/
Centers for Disease Control and Preventionhttps: //emergency.cdc.gov/

Hazard Awareness

The best way to be informed of immediate dangers affecting the University is UK Alert, the University's official emergency notification system. You can learn more about UK Alert at https: //www.uky.edu/alerts/ and manage your UK Alert account through myUK.
In the Lexington area, public safety officials will use various channels to warn you of existing or imminent dangers. These may include: In addition, many local public safety agencies and private partners support social media accounts, as do numerous University entities. Consider following these Twitter accounts:

 Appendix F: Persons with Disabilities 

At some point in time almost everyone needs assistance in some way. Not everyone with a disability will require assistance during an emergency. Evaluate your situation and determine your own needs. It is the responsibility of each person to ask for help when needed.

Emergency Assistance Card Program

Appropriate evacuation procedures should be prearranged between the persons with disabilities and the people assigned to assist them. The University of Kentucky Fire Marshal Office has developed an Emergency Assistance Card program that is available upon request. This card can be carried by individuals with disabilities and presented to a co-worker, friend, or faculty, who in turn will give it to the emergency team on site. For more information about the card or to receive a card, contact the University Equal Opportunity Office or UK Disability Resource Center.

Figure 1: Front of Card

Figure 2: Back of Card
Individuals with unobservable disabilities or impairments may or may not self-identify before an emergency. Such conditions may include arthritis, a cardiac condition, chronic back problems, asthma, a learning disability, etc. These persons may need additional help during emergency situations. Request that all persons who feel they may need special assistance notify appropriate key departmental persons so that arrangements can be made in advance to meet their needs.

General Guidelines

It is University Policy that all occupants must evacuate the building when the fire alarm is activated. The only exceptions to the Policy are patient related areas such as the hospitals where special procedures have been developed.
All exit stairwells are fire rated and are protected by self-closing /self-latching doors. These are the safest areas during an emergency. Physically impaired persons are advised to proceed to them immediately.

Recommendations for Specific Disabilities

Visually Impaired Persons

Tell the person the nature of the emergency and offer your arm for guidance. This is the preferred method when acting as a "sighted guide."
As you walk, tell the person where you are and where obstacles are located.
When you reach safety, orient the person to the location and ask if further assistance is needed.

Hearing Impaired Persons

Some campus buildings are equipped with audible and visual fire alarms which should be activated during an emergency. However, hearing impaired individuals may not receive the audible signal. Use an alternative warning system. Several methods can be used, including:

Persons Using Crutches, Canes, or Walkers

In evacuations, these individuals should be treated as if they were injured. Carrying options include using a two-person, lock-arm position or having the individual sit on a sturdy chair (preferably with arms) which is then lifted and carried.

Recommendations for People Who Use Wheelchairs (Non-Ambulatory)

Most non-ambulatory persons will be able to exit safely without assistance if they are on the ground floor.
If you are assisting a non-ambulatory person, be aware that some people have minimal ability to move and lifting them may be dangerous to their well-being. Some individuals have very little upper trunk and neck strength.
Frequently, non-ambulatory persons have respiratory complications. Remove them from smoke and vapors immediately. Some people who use wheelchairs may have electrical respirators. Give them priority assistance, as their ability to breathe may be seriously in danger.
The needs and preferences of non-ambulatory individuals vary. Always consult with the person as to his or her preference regarding: Remember to check the intended route for obstructions before transporting the individual. Delegate others to bring the wheelchair. When the wheelchair is left behind, remove it from the stairwell and place it so it does not obstruct the egress of others. Reunite the person with their wheelchair as soon as it is safe to do so.
Wheelchairs have many movable or weak parts which were not constructed to withstand the stress of lifting (i.e., the seat bar, foot plates, wheels, movable arm rests, etc.). If the chair is battery-powered, remove the batteries before moving it. Make sure the footrests are locked and the motor is off. If a seatbelt is available, secure the person in the chair.

 Appendix G: Indicators of Violent Behavior 

Many incidents of workplace violence occur only after warning signs from the attacker. These pre-attack indicators can take many forms but the most common include: While these factors do not automatically indicate that a co-worker is a high risk for workplace violence, they are cause for heightened awareness. Early identification and intervention can prevent violence from happening. If a co-worker is displaying early signs of violent behavior, report the associated behavior to a supervisor.

Center for Support and Intervention

The Center for Support and Intervention (CSI) is an outreach resource for students experiencing distress that may be impacting their wellbeing, safety, and /or overall academic and personal success. CSI is a resource for students experiencing a range of concerns including mental health, academic difficulties, personal /family issues, physical health, financial difficulties, recent /past trauma, and loss of a loved one. For more information on the center, visit http: //www.uky.edu/concern/.

 Appendix H: Threat Documentation / Checklist 

The following checklist is to be used by the individual receiving a face-to-face interaction, call, text, or email in which the suspect threatens the safety or security of the building and /or its occupants.
Remember: Stay calm. Don’t interrupt the caller, get details, and notify police.
You may want to keep completed checklists on file.
Name individual who received threat: ___________________________ Time: _________ Date: _________
Suspects Information
  1. Person(s) name (If known): ___________________________________________________________
  2. Person(s) address (If known): _________________________________________________
  3. Phone number: ___________________________________________________________
  4. Sex: ☐ Male ☐ Female
  5. Age: ☐ Adult ☐ Child
  6. Call: ☐ Local ☐ Long Distance ☐ Unknown
Threat Information
  1. Nature of the threat:
    ☐ Bomb ☐ Shooter ☐ Other: ________________________ ☐ Did Not Specify
  2. Building Knowledge:
    ☐ Very familiar ☐ Some familiarity ☐ Not familiar
  3. If the threat involves a bomb, provide the following:
    • When the threat will be carried out: ______________________________________
    • Exact location of the threat: ____________________________________________
  4. If the threat involves a weapon, provide the following:
    • What type of weapon: ___________________________________________________
    • When is the threat going to be carried out: ___________________________________
The threat said (word for word): ___________________________________________________________
Voice Characteristics
☐ Loud
☐ Soft
☐ High Pitch
☐ Low Pitch
☐ Angry
☐ Fast
☐ Slow
☐ Disoriented
☐ Cursing
☐ Stutter
☐ Slurred
☐ Lisp
☐ Local
☐ Not Local
☐ Foreign

Background Noises:
☐ Airplanes
☐ Animals
☐ Voices
☐ Trains
☐ Traffic
☐ Quiet
☐ Music
☐ Machinery
☐ Party Atmosphere
☐ Talking
☐ Boats
☐ Typing
☐ Laughing
☐ Restaurant/Bar

Additional Information

 Appendix I: Department or Building Specific Emergency Plans or Procedures 

Plan/Procedure TitleSupporting AreaPlan or Procedure Owner

 Appendix J